Jun 16Liked by People Power United

I would like to use the “People Power” post card for our Democratic candidate for The Senate. May I contact her office to see if we can use The “ People Power” post cards or is that something you would do as the founder of this great organization. I haven’t figured out how to contact you directly but maybe others outside of Fla have this question too and you could let us know.

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Thanks for the support Debbie. We put it up on our Etsy store, here it is: https://peoplepowerunited.etsy.com/

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I was assigned postcards to Arizona but I’m worried that my efforts might end up being useless if people have to leave their homes because of the fires.

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Praying folks are safe. Thanks for your activism for our rights, freedoms, and democracy!

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Jun 17Liked by People Power United

Like this so much

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Tot Omul este Dumnezeu, Și vai de cel ce-i face rău. O, domnul este tovarăș/prieten! Jos armele! Să fie pace! Egalitate între frați și surori cu demnitate! Nu este om fără păcat. Prin pocăință este iertat. Pansofia este comună. Opriți supratoxicități chimice, nucleare! Sus Terrafamilia!

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For our readers that don't speak Romanian, here is what Google translated: All Man is God, And woe to him who harms him. Oh, the lord is comrade/friend! Weapons down! Let there be peace! Equality between brothers and sisters with dignity! He is not a sinless man. Through repentance it is forgiven. Pansophy is common. Stop chemical, nuclear supertoxicity! Up Terrafamilia!

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