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Gun violence is just another part of life in America now!! We hear about school shootings and other mass gun slaughters but, at least 100 people die daily guns including murders, police shootings of suspects, family violence, accidental shootings by little kids, drug deals that involve murders, gang violence, and on and on. All the recommendations and proposed laws would help end many of the mass gun slaughters but, so much more MUST be done by everyone in America to put an end to the mass murder of Americans every day! When Americans GROW UP and accept responsibility for ALL THE CONSEQUENCES of their THOUGHTS, WORDS, and DEEDS! in EVERY part of their LIVES then MAYBE our Country and the LIFE of EVERY AMERICAN will be DRASTICALLY IMPROVED! This INSANE GUN VIOLENCE is just ONE INDICATION of how sick, depraved, and hate-filled AMericans really are!! This sickness and depravity came with the English who landed here originally and stole this land from the Indigenous people to establish a society to allegedly escape religious persecution! Amazing how that worked out!! THINK ABOUT IT!!

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