So....the president chooses the SC justices?

What could go wrong?

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if information is the currency of democracy, we are left penny poor by the oligarchs that have captured our media outlets and polluted them with a firehose of misinformation\.

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Jul 18Liked by People Power United

Yes!! We have a majority UNsupreme court that has stepped way over the line of justice and should no longer have the the unaccountible ability to reverse the progresses this country has made over the past century-plus. Their interpretations and rulings suggest that they have some sort of spiritual telephone line to the founders of this nation and the authors of our Constitution and know everything they were thinking and the logic behind their actions. In fact, they don't have a clue what the original intentions of the authors and founders were and they don't seem to care what they were. They only know what they were appointed to do and that is to assist in destroying our Republic and the Constitution of the United States of America. Let's get on with righting the wrongs they have inflicted upon the citizens of this country and reigning them in NOW!

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Needed. They are a rogue group that need management. No, just get rid of them. Untrustworthy.

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scotus are giving aid and comfort to insurrectionists and should be held to task by section 3 of the 14th amendment, along with 99% of republicans and trump.

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Jul 18Liked by People Power United


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