Apr 20Liked by People Power United

Hi, I'm British, and like most of us on this side of the pond, regard with bafflement and horror the American obsession with firearms. I have read that, sadly, about 30 thousand gun deaths occur every year in the USA, yet no-one seems to want to change that. I'm not boasting, but in the UK, we just don't have or feel any need to have guns. Of course there are some unlicensed guns around, but these are generally in the possession of criminal gangs. There are less than 100 gun-related deaths per year here, and they are usually due to inter-gang fights, often linked to drug dealing. To legally own a gun or ammunition in the UK you need a firearms licence. These are very difficult to obtain and involve a thorough police check. You must have a good reason to own a gun (self-defence isn't allowed as a reason), and there are strict rules on how they are kept and transported. Unauthorised possession of a gun or ammunition is a serious criminal offence, with up to 5 years in jail if convicted.

You may have heard there are a lot of stabbings in the UK. Yes, that is the case, but they are not always fatal. And there are no mass stabbings. Most of these cases are teenagers fighting each other, and there tend to be a dozen or two such events per week across the whole of the UK. That doesn't mean we don't have crime! No society is perfect, but sadly it seems the USA is the only developed nation in the world with such a huge firearms problem.

My apologies for such a long rant - if you got this far - and we in the UK wish our American cousins well.

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Apr 29Liked by People Power United

Trump is a despicable selfish individual who has no right to judge others. He is a very flawed individual.

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Apr 21Liked by People Power United


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Apr 20Liked by People Power United


There is NO reason why any civilian needs to own a handgun

Handguns in the hands of ANY civilian only serve one purpose which is to kill people.

The 2nd Admendment needs to be amended

The framers made the constitution ammendable.

We will need to expand the SC to ever be able to stem gun violence and elect legislators that will do more than just pass moderate changes to a prehistoric Admendment that has been used to justify gun violence and stymied gun control.

Vote 🗳 Blue

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25 years ago, millions of Americans stood in front of their televisions believing that a school shooting was a collective wound on our soul. Children killing children. The thoughts and prayers shared that day seemed like a nation coming together.

Little did we know those words were merely a way to say “fuck you we’re Americans and god gave us the right to own any and as many guns as we can afford. It says so on that old paper and there is no way the Founding Fathers could be wrong.”

No other country in the world is so willing to sacrifice the innocence of children just to own a metal tool because we are afraid.

How depraved! How selfish! How greedy! How ugly!

Little has been done to stop the slaughter through the years. Gun control is limited at best and is actually an insult as we let the few regulations fail time and time again. In fact, guns have become an even greater harm in the U.S.

Regulations regarding purchasing guns are a joke. Some states have reduced the minimum age to purchase guns and ammo. Ownership rules aren’t stopping children from easy access to kill themselves or others. Suicide by gun is skyrocketing. In some states you can just strap on a gun and head to the local mall with no special permit.

Our love of guns is celebrated by the National Rifle Association funded by gun manufacturers. With millions at the ready to fund pro-gun agendas and the Republican Party selling their votes, reform is an uphill battle.

The gun manufacturers seeking to feed the machismo ego found the perfect bigger, better, faster weapon of war “perfect for every homeowner” - assault weapons. Your 18 year old can play the hero in their favorite video game.

Designed to do maximum damage, these (and similar) guns are so violently destructive that after the Uvalde, Texas school shooting the authorities had to use DNA to identify the dead grade schoolers. Takes your breath away to write that.

So, what did the state of Texas offer as a solution - they mailed DNA kits to parents throughout the kit. Better to be prepared!

There are so many critical issues for voters but every day more than 113 Americans die by gun violence. That’s too high a price just because you want a gun. I am not anti-gun (I know it doesn’t sound like it) activist. Guns do have their proper place. But just think about your favorite MAGA. Do you want them pointing a gun at you.?

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Thanks for sharing! I am so jealous of the Uk and angry at our US lawmakers for being complicit in so man gun deaths.

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