Thanks for taking action and welcome to People Power United!

There is no power like that of the people, and People Power United stands ready to protect our communities against any and all injustices. Join us to push for Freedom over Fascism.

In this community, we will always speak out against racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny, sexism, ageism, ableism, sizeism, elitism, transphobia, misogynoir, and bigotry! Check out our 2023 recap post to see how impactful our scrappy People Power United group is!​ Join us to build People Power.

America is brave because you are. And we need your bravery now more than ever.

We can give up or work for change.

As champions for progress, we must double down on our efforts to promote progress and be willing to get uncomfortable. We must push our leaders to do better in our communities, but we must also push ourselves to talk to friends, families, and people about issues and voting.

I firmly believe that bad things happen when good people do nothing. Many people believe that no one person can affect change. I don't see it that way. All of our small actions can and do affect change.

​The goal of People Power United has always been to grow people power and show others who we are by our words and our actions. 

​​Thanks for being here! I am honored to be with you in this fight for our rights and freedoms.

Everyone deserves to vote and thrive,

Laurie Woodward Garcia (paid with hugs and kisses, not bought by special interests)

People Power United | In this community, we will always speak out against racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny, sexism, ageism, ableism, sizeism, elitism, transphobia, misogynoir, and bigotry! Check out our 2023 recap post to see how impactful our scrappy People Power United group is!​

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Data disclosure:

People Power United does not share information. We use the sign-up information to share current issues, events and calls-to-actions only. People Power United is a group of community members that champions progressive values and power for the people. The 2024 election depends on us, and we are attempting to persuade people to vote for Freedom over Fascism. You are always able to opt-out of any action alerts or event reminders we send, and you are also welcome to unsubscribe if there is no value to you.

Subscribe to People Power United: America's Progressive Voice & Actions

People Power United champions progressive values and power to the people. We are a group of people who believe in the possibility of change and do the work to make it happen. Join us to build People Power.


People Power United champions progressive values and power to the people. We are a group of people who believe in the possibility of change and work to make it happen. Join us to build people power.
I am a social justice activist #DoingMyJob to stand up against fascism. Best part of my day is being a mommy and wife!